Well, here I am again. Ready to make a big change. Thankfully, I've still been pretty consistent about going to the gym, so that won't be the biggest hurdle. It's eating. I was reading some studies last night about Hypothyroidism and Celiac Disease and a lot of the symptoms were exactly what I've been struggling with. In fact, I did have a minor case of Hypothyroidism when I was pregnant with Dylan. I was irresponsible and never went back to be re-tested, so I'm not sure if I still have it or not. I would imagine I do. Here's what I've been feeling recently:
- Foggy / Unable to focus
- Tired
- Unmotivated
- Irritable
- Psoriasis is flaring up
- Minor Acne
These on top of my already present obesity. So, it's time I deal with this stuff. If I don't now, I'm not sure that I ever will. Here's the plan:
Decrease Lectins. Lectins are proteins that bind to sugar and create all kinds of havoc in your body --- most commonly: leaky gut, decreased vitamin absorption and GI issues. I think this may be the root of my psoriasis flare ups. I'm aiming to cut them out completely to see if it helps. Foods I'll be cutting out: grains, beans, dairy, gluten, nightshades (tomatoes, eggplant, tomatillos, peppers, paprika, and white potatoes), nuts, and seeds.
Increase Polyphenols. Polyphenols are basically the Superman to Lectins' Lex Luther. As many negative effects as Lectins have, Polyphenols have positive. They aid in inflammation, gut health, sleep, weight loss, improved mood, blood sugar regulation, brain health, blood pressure... the list goes on and on. Needless to say, I'm working on adding in as many as I can get through berries, high quality seasonings (peppermint, oregano, thyme, rosemary, and sage), black olives, and raw fruits and veggies. I may end up taking a supplement to help maximize the amount I'm able to get.
After researching the limitations of the diet I want to pursue, it was really clear that this is mostly just Whole 30... with a few extra restrictions (mainly nightshades). I've been looking up and saving loads of Whole 30 approved recipes and just taking out the ingredients that I don't want to include. Tonight's dinner kinda sucked. It was spaghetti squash with mushrooms (cooked in garlic and thyme). I added chicken thighs (which were amazing), but it was still pretty awful. I heard someone say recently that "not every meal has to be the best meal you've ever had". That's handy to hold on to.
I've also decided that I'm not going to count anything --- not calories, or macros, or my weight. I'm going to do BBG and stick to my eating plan and see where things go. I'll adjust as I see fit and hopefully soon I'll have some results to keep me going. Even if it is just a little bit more energy.
Here's what I ate today:
Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs, 1/2 avocado, 1 cup coffee, 1/2 cup almond milk
Snack: Fruit cup (melon, grapes, pineapple), 1 medium almond milk latte
Lunch: Salad (romaine, egg, carrot, cucumber, celery, bacon, black olives, turkey) with Good Seasonings dressing
Dinner: Spaghetti squash with mushrooms and chicken thighs (cooked in olive oil)
Snack: Mixed berries (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries) in 1/2 cup almond milk
I need to add another meal in there, but it was a hectic day and sometimes that just doesn't happen. I'm exhausted. I'll also work on getting more sleep (if the kids will let me).
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